Spotlight on GC Alumna Cerys Jones

Greenhead College Alumna Cerys Jones studied Sociology at Durham University, where she founded the 93% club, a student-led initiative to help state-school educated students go on to study at the top universities. 

We put Cerys on the spot to find out more..

When did you come to Greenhead College and what did you study?

I was at Greenhead College from 2014-2016. I studied Modern History, Sociology, and Law.

What support did you receive whilst at Greenhead?

I received incredible academic support whilst at Greenhead! I personally did not need to access internal counselling services whilst at Greenhead, but I can say that the academic support was of an exceptional standard. Without the vital support of staff at GHC I would not have believed in my own abilities and studied at Durham University.

Can you tell us about the 93% club, what it is and why you set it up?

Durham University, the same as Oxbridge and other elite institutions like Bristol, have a reputation for attracting privately educated students, and that is because they do! Arriving at Durham, I found myself suffering from imposter syndrome: constantly regarding myself as incapable of being at a top university. However, I was not the only student struggling with this aspect of Durham. 93% of students in the UK are state-educated, however, Durham’s recent academic intake had only a 63% composition of state-educated students (of which those educated at Comprehensive schools is not even disclosed). Therefore, myself and Fran Walker discovered the 93% Club at Bristol University. As such, we decided to bring our own sister society to Durham which promoted access and inclusivity of state-educated students at elite institutions.

Alongside my selected executive committee, I sought to engage with university faculty to amend university policy in order to better include state students. The 93% Club aims to help current students navigate university life and find employment after graduation. With CV advice, LinkedIn profile workshops, panel talks and more, the 93% Club aims to equip state educated students with the same skills as those who are privately educated.

What advice would you give to students from state schools who are aspiring to study at a top university?

You are just as good as your privately educated counterparts, if not better. Coming from a state school is something to be proud of, and something that you should wear as a badge of honor at top universities. Oxbridge, Durham, and other Russell Group universities do have lots of ‘posh’ students, but you are just as intelligent as them, and as such, your place at that university is just as valid. If you ever feel as though you ‘do not belong’, just remind yourself that there are thousands of other state school students who feel the same. Even if your university does not have a 93% Club, contact the society at either Bristol, Durham, or UCL and any members of the committee would be happy to help – whether personally or professionally.

Now you have graduated, what are your plans for the future, and how does the 93% club fit into this?

After graduating with a BA in Sociology from Durham, I was supposed to be undertaking a Masters in Law this September (2019). However, having been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder whilst at University, I have decided to take some time away from education and instead undertake some administration work in the local area. In the future – maybe next year – I will consider doing my Masters part time. In regards to the 93% Club, I will always be a part of the 93%. State-school pride is something I will always have, and with the 93% Club being such an intrinsic part of my university experience, I don’t think I will ever be able to leave it behind. I hope to be able to travel to various state schools and inspire other state-educated students to go to top universities, whether that be by providing insight about Durham as an institution, or by being a mentor for those who aspire to attend Durham. I want all state-educated students to understand that they are just as capable as their privately educated peers.

For more information on Cerys and the 93% club, please visit

From ‘The Incredibles’ to ‘Pitch Perfect’ via the Bafta’s on the way to ‘Avengers Endgame’

Congratulations to former Greenhead student Ellen Birkinshaw, who remains ready for her close up, whilst interviewing current industry directors, writers and performers. Ellen won a nationally competitive place on the IntoFilm Young Reporters Scheme as an A2 student at Greenhead last year. The Young Reporter scheme offers “young people the opportunity to take part in podcasts, review films as well as attend red carpet events and press junkets”.

Ellen is about to start her second year at Brunel University London, where she will continue Film and Television studies, which she really enjoys. Ellen’s assignments have already been diverse.

“So far I’ve been assigned ‘Pitch Perfect 3’ where I had the chance to catch the film before its initial release. I then interviewed both Hailee Steinfield and Rebel Wilson at a press junket. Earlier this year, I attended the BAFTA red carpet which was incredible. There I interviewed several people including Oscar winning director Barry Jenkins. In April, I was cast as the reporter for the ‘Avengers: Endgame’ assignment. I interviewed the two directors, Anthony and Joe Russo as well as actors Chris Hemsworth and Paul Rudd.

“Presently, I’m not entirely sure what I want to do with my career. I know I want to work in the film industry, working with IntoFilm has allowed me to get some incredible experience and meet some amazing people. This experience, I feel will benefit me, when I begin looking for work, as I feel for this particular field, experience is key.”

Congratulations to Ellen on this outstanding achievement. We wish Ellen continued success as an IntoFilm Young Reporter, and in her exciting career aspirations.

Doing the business in New Zealand

Greenhead College alumni, Paul Thornton recently came into college to talk to our A1 and A2 Business students about his experiences starting a Digital Marketing business in New Zealand.  Paul’s company Digital Hothouse provide search engine optimisation and use Google Adwords to generate sales for clients, putting them high up in any Google search to generate consumer interest.  A really interesting and insightful session for our future entrepreneurs! Paul was taught 20 years ago by Mark Mitchell and also employed alumni Gavin Hirst, from the same class,, to work for his Auckland business.
Student comments included:

‘It is fascinating to see the opportunities technology firms from Europe have in New Zealand, as UK firms are around 4 years ahead in technological terms opening up more business opportunities for a digitally focused company’.

‘I learnt how important word-of-mouth promotion was when dealing with business clients as they are more likely to use a recommended firm’.

Visit Digital Hothouse’s website here: