Sensory Impairments
Learners with sensory impairments are encouraged to inform us early on in the admission process so we are able to build in any support required for a smooth transition. We ensure that:
- Independence is respected and encouraged in all aspects of college life
- We support learners in accessing opportunities across college such as trips, enrichment activities and participation in PAWS week.
- There is effective transition in place, both from school to college and from college into higher education/apprenticeships or employment
- We offer a transition morning and individual visits to the college to familiarise learners with the college environment and discuss support needs
- We Liaise and collaborate with external agencies
- Reasonable adjustments are in place to support a learner’s individual needs
- We work across college with personal tutors and teaching staff, to develop specific classroom strategies
- Where necessary, Exam Access Arrangements are in place
- Assistive technology is in place, where appropriate
- Adapted resources are available
- Where necessary, specialist provision support is provided.